Next Beers On Me / Thanks For The Blahg

Next Beers On Me / Thanks For The Blahg

Send Financial High Five

If you’ve enjoyed / continue to enjoy some of the HI54LOFI / HI54.BLOG output — whether it be the mix cds or the mix tapes or the mix of words or anything else — and if pressed you think, “yeah, I’d be cool giving this dude $10 for the work that goes into it” honestly that would genuinely mean a lot to me. If I’m being honest, ever since internet I’ve always had this simple fantasy of having 5000 people like what I do enough to reward me with 10 of their hard earned yearly dollars (or some variation of that math). That genuinely is the extent of my ambitions.

So if you think you might be one of those people, thank you for even thinking that.

Running a blog is stupid and hard, so any little bit of financial incentive really goes a long way \m/